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麻省理工大学Michael Fehler教授做客资环论坛
文:陈慧楠 来源:资环学院 时间:2016-09-13 3376

  近日,美国麻省理工大学Michael Fehler教授做客资环论坛,为我校师生带来一场题为“SEG Advanced Modeling Project:Building realistic geophysical models for simulation”的学术报告。报告由资源与环境学院院长胡光岷教授主持。 


  Michael Fehler教授首先从SEAM的基本情况出发,介绍了SEAM模型的基本概念,随后深入探讨了SEAM模型的核心理论知识,加深了大家对SEAM模型的认识与理解。Michael Fehler接着以时间为线,介绍了SEAM模型发展的历史。Michael Fehler还以Deepwater和Pore Pressure Prediction两个项目为依托,结合实验数据、实验过程、实验结果等图表数据对SEAM模型的强大应用性进行了深入细致的分析。


  报告结束后,现场师生与Michael Fehler教授就SEAM模型相关问题进行了互动交流。会后,有同学表示,SEAM模型是先进与高效的,听完Michael Fehler教授的讲解对其有了更深刻的认识,收获良多。



  Michael Fehler received his Ph.D. in seismology from MIT in 1979. After spending a few years in the College of Oceanography at Oregon State University, he joined Los Alamos National Laboratory in 1984 where he was leader of the Geophysics Group and later the Division Director of the Earth and Environmental Sciences Division that consisted of approximately 350 staff.

  He is currently a Senior Research Scientist in the Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is also Technical Project Manager for Phase I of the SEG Advanced Modeling project, which is a consortium of 24 companies in the petroleum industry that joined together to use geophysical modeling to advance our ability to address issues in geophysical characterization.

  Michael Fehler was Editor-in-Chief of the Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America for nine years beginning in 1995 and was president of the Seismological Society of America from 2005-2007. His interests in include seismic imaging, reservoir characterization, seismic scattering, geothermal energy, and induced seismicity.

编辑:李思扬  / 审核:林坤  / 发布:林坤