教师发展中心“青年教师成长驿站”活动特别邀请IEEE GRSM主编、美国科罗拉多大学William Emery教授与大家进行深度交流和探讨。具体安排如下,欢迎广大师生参加。
一、主 题:Author Education and How to Nominate Someone for IEEE Fellow
二、时 间:2025年3月18日(周二) 14:30-16:30
三、地 点:清水河校区宾诺咖啡
四、主讲专家:IEEE GRSM主编、美国科罗拉多大学William Emery教授
五、主持人:资源与环境学院 于瀚雯 教授
The first half discusses the things you should do to publish and things you should avoid. The second half takes advantage of my many years on the IEEE Fellow Committee and introduces what you need to emphasize when you write a fellow nomination.
William (Bill) Emery has been teaching at the University of Colorado since 1987 and is an IEEE Fellow, a Fellow of the American Geophysical Union (AGU), a Fellow of the American Meteorological Society, and a member of the American Astronautical Society. Editor in Chief of IEEE GRSM. He has been invited to teach courses and lectures at a number of research institutions around the world, and has received the University of Colorado School of Engineering Distinguished Research Award, the IEEE Earth Science and Remote Sensing Society Education Award, and the AGU Best Evaluator Award.
八、主办单位:教师发展中心 青年教师联谊会
承办单位:资源与环境学院 IEEE GRSS电子科技大学学生分会
编辑:刘瑶 / 审核:刘瑶 / 发布:刘瑶